He/ Him
OOC name
Great Tree Arc
a day off; a social ft. ezekiel
Nov 26, 2019 21:33:13 GMT
edited on Nov 26, 2019 21:34:32 GMT by Ezekiel Gold
Zeke grunted in acknowledgement, Tandy bending over in front of him to flash her nether regions for him and a ravenous smirk filling his face. Only widened when she turned around to face the duo while her arms wriggled behind her back, only coming forward to throw her red bra onto Gato's head. A hearty chuckle coming from the elders face at the sight before patting his new companion on his tiny shoulder.
Puffing the smoking tool once more and moving his eyes back to the topless blonde. "Sounds like a good time. They'd just better not screw with my profit, or they're dead." His voice and face were deathly serious even if his eyes weren't on the cat and was enjoying the rest of the sex kittens show. Finding her way onto his lap, straddling him for the remainder of her song before blowing a kiss and walking off stage.
Ezekiel stood up afterward, a satisfied grin on his face while grinding his cigar into the ash tray and dusting off his coat. Looking to his guild mate and giving him a once over one more time, chuckling with amusement lowly before nudging his head toward the door. "Alright i've had my fair share of sex, and money," beginning to walk again he would stand near the door with a sinister grimace. "Let's get to the violence."
made by wizzPost 8. WC: 231 TC: 2276 ~End thread?~
He/ Him
OOC name
Great Tree Arc
Bad Intentions [Open/ Social]
Nov 26, 2019 21:19:58 GMT
edited on Nov 26, 2019 21:20:50 GMT by Ezekiel Gold
@tag Zeke wasn't one for finding someone to socialize with but apparently it was a part of being a human, and he couldn't ignore everyone forever. So he walked slowly through a town whose name he didn't much care to retain and his appearance naturally drew eyes. It was something he was used to at this point, since not many people looked both homeless and wealthy in one sitting, who still smoked expensive cigars manufactured before the Calamity.
It didn't take long before he was arriving at an old school ramen shop and chose to step in for only a moment to quench his own hunger. Stepping in and ordering his favorite variation of the meal, he sat and ate for a moment and then he was leaving again, walking through the streets.
Zeke didn't have much of a plan for how to spend the rest of his day and so he simply walked before stopping to listen to music. It wasn't music of his own choosing, rather the sounds coming from an older homeless man who was on his knees strumming a shamisen and vocalizing to match. His own voice carrying the melody rather than letting the instrument do so and he got lost in the sounds, waiting for the song to end before tossing him a few hundred jewel. It wasn't much to the gangster and the older man bowed in thanks to which Zeke simply nodded.
Things seemed to be going pretty well and so his own legs carried him to a bath house which he entered casually. Moving to the room to store clothing and stripping down to bare nudity, placing his possessions in the small storage space and wrapping his towel around himself. As he moved toward the water, something told him to turn and his heart dropped. Spotting someone running away holding his things which he'd forgotten to lock, he gasped before realizing that he was truly being robbed! Making a mad dash after the person responsible he yelled while praying his towel didn't fall off.
made by wizzPost 1. WC: 345
He/ Him
OOC name
Great Tree Arc
The tree hugger's eyes didn't even flinch from the dancer when Gato poked him, only feeling the magic stamp traveling to it's destination. A red mark he sensed moving directly to his mouth, causing his maw to fall agape to reveal the guild star sitting on the center of his hanging tongue. An amused smirk upon his grimace with the mention of his title.
"The sin of greed, huh." A rhetorical response, but one that showed he was down for the ride from here on out. That was until the mention of new recruits to which he would pull his face back into a normal picture, only with a raised brow. "We starting an army? 'Cause i'm not one for babysitting."
A finger pointing toward the cat before returning his eyes to Tandy who was still contorting and gyrating sexually for all the famished eyes piercing her. None of them were enough man for her, none except for Zeke himself, but he wasn't a young man anymore. He didn't have time to pursue silly flings.
made by wizzPost 7. WC: 177 TC: 2045
He/ Him
OOC name
Great Tree Arc
Zeke couldn't help but take a drag of his cigar with the sudden swaying of the woman's hips to the beat captivating their senses. Gato had begun saying something about one more thing he had to do and he was almost ignored given the current situation before them, the woman suddenly using the pole as a gymnastic tool. Making her way to the ceiling where she would dangle gracefully and begin contorting herself into beautifully erotic position, sliding down the pole into a full split.
"One more thing? Let's get it over with."
Zeke replied, his eyes locked onto the gyrating cheeks of her the woman who was now displaying her backside to the two of them. Another handful of bills were rained from Zeke's hand, filling the air and inspiring movement in the woman who was giving him sexual eyes; like that of a huntress. Stalking her prey.
Smoke billowing out from him and several other men who were each throwing their fair share at the beautiful dancer. She was likely the most wanted woman in the locale and he couldn't deny they'd had their fair share of trysts, but Tandy still held the brunt of his desire.
made by wizzPost 6. WC: 200 TC: 1868
He/ Him
OOC name
Great Tree Arc
a day off; a social ft. ezekiel
Nov 23, 2019 14:49:02 GMT
edited on Nov 23, 2019 14:49:32 GMT by Ezekiel Gold
A hearty laugh rang out from the older figure after Gato mentioned their lack of killing being due to the crows knowing better. When it was time to relax, it was time to relax, and if someone pestered him while he was getting his rocks off they were done for! Bird, human, whatever, it would have a fist kissing it's jaw and put out of commission. Gato was cool though, he seemed to understand the general atmosphere around the Kingpin.
Zeke could tell Gato wasn't used to this kind of establishment, with the woman wrapping up her song and picking up the spare change that had been thrown at her showing she was leaving. A smirk at his new ally before shifting his weight in the chair, leaning back to get comfortable for what was about to be an epic showing.
"Yes it does, Gato, yes it does."
The lights would begin to dime as a few focused beams of white created a simple circle on the red curtain for the next act, the star of the establishment. Tandy, the blonde bombshell that kept this place in business. A slow, sultry melody would begin to play before a creamy white leg poked out from behind one side; a red high heel and dragon tattoo painting her flesh.
A few moments later and she was revealing herself, standing in a dark silhouette as a high powered light flashed from behind her only; the front ones shutting off. Now it was just a darkened outline of a woman with long, curly hair seductively hugging her shoulders and mid back while she posed provocatively. Only sauntering over to the pole when the front lights returned, showing a woman in a deep red lingerie set complete with a sheer corset, sheer bra shaped like sea shells over silver nipple rings, a red thong and daring red lipstick.
"She... is... marvelous." Zeke would begin, reaching into his pocket and tossing a stack of hundreds onto the floor that Tandy graced. A wink from the blonde dame being flung in his direction, her red lips blowing a kiss that the older man didn't hesitate to catch and cherish.
made by wizzPost 5. WC: 364 TC: 1668
He/ Him
OOC name
Great Tree Arc
Nov 23, 2019 14:12:35 GMT
[break] — @ ezekiel; [[a href=""]Ezekiel[/a]] [break] [font color="ffffff"]———[/font][font color="585858"]► Not much is known within the guild about Zeke, other than his penchant for being drunk on the job and still managing to get it done on time. His greedy nature often leaves him at odds when it comes to teamwork, but he is intelligent and charismatic despite what others are presented with. Powerful magics and years of experience under his belt, he is one of many reasons, "Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young", is an appropriate ideology. [/font] [break] [font color="ffffff"]———[/font][font color="585858"][b]Crow: Valefar[/b] / Wears a flower wreath-choker made from wisteria around it's neck.[/font][break][break]
He/ Him
OOC name
Great Tree Arc
a day off; a social ft. ezekiel
Nov 23, 2019 13:41:17 GMT
edited on Nov 23, 2019 14:22:54 GMT by Ezekiel Gold
Ezekiel's face held the same smile, moving his drink toward the cat as if offering to give a cheers before swallowing down a shot of what remained. It wasn't until a crow made it's way into the bar that his features would be painted with equal parts curiosity and confusion. Was this going to be a bunch of animals? He refused to sign up to be a zoo keeper or animal whisperer, understanding nature was annoying enough.
That was until the crows words broke silence between the three of them and he couldn't help but grin menacingly. So this was going to be that kind of guild, he could get behind this for a while without a problem. "I like what you're singing birdie!" Zeke joked, opting to finish off his drink with that in mind; guzzling it down until a small stream was flowing into his beard. Wiping it with his sleeve before petting the crow with moist hands from the condensation on the glass.
"So when's the party really start, and will there be some eye candy in this guild?" Half joking through his liquor fueled chuckle, the woman on stage finally beginning to wrap up her set. Perfect! It seemed Tandy would be up next and he couldn't wait to partake in her forbidden fruit, visually of course.
made by wizzPost 4. WC: 221 TC: 1304
He/ Him
OOC name
Great Tree Arc
a day off; a social ft. ezekiel
Oct 25, 2019 17:26:50 GMT
edited on Nov 23, 2019 14:21:51 GMT by Ezekiel Gold
[googlefont="righteous"] I can't control myself because I don't know how And they love me for it honestly, I'll be here for a while. Another smooth puff and Zeke was maintaining that curious gaze at the cat. So he was whatever others paid him to be? he could respect that, considering that was basically how he'd gotten his bearings as well. Not that the cat was playing such a role today which was enough for the tree wielder to continue their conversation unguarded.
Ezekiel would then turn back to the dancer, beginning to get annoyed by the woman not being Tandy and the word recruit pulling him further into the conversation. So this cat was here for a reason after all, not just the tits and booze. Instead of cutting the kitty off however, the older specimen would wait to see what he had to say for his pitch.
"So let me get this straight..."
Pausing to inhale on the acrid smelling smoke once more before letting the words sit in his thoughts, blowing out to create a cloud once again. The drink in his left hand being gently swirled, his right hand holding his cigar and stroking the grey hair on his chin.
"You, a cat named Gato, are a guild master who is recruiting me to kill creatures and shit for tons of money?" A devilish smirk on face after a straight expression painted his visage for a few seconds. Clearly interest in the idea. "Sign me up, pussycat!"
Post 3. WC: 227 TC: 1083
He/ Him
OOC name
Great Tree Arc
a day off; a social ft. ezekiel
Oct 24, 2019 18:53:19 GMT
edited on Nov 23, 2019 14:20:37 GMT by Ezekiel Gold
[googlefont="righteous"] I can't control myself because I don't know how And they love me for it honestly, I'll be here for a while. "You'll see..."
He urged, his body plopping down to take the chair beside the kitty and watch at a much better angle. The woman on stage was a glorious figure, even if she wasn't to his personal taste, and he reached into his large coat. Pulling out a small wad of cash, roughly five thousand and start to slowly scatters ones onto the woman's platform. Each one unceremoniously fluttering about, painting the floor and stage before them much to the woman's delight.
Of course this was chump change compared to what he would give Tandy, even though he hadn't given the woman the full 5,000. He wasn't that generous of a man for someone who was only worth the 3,000 he'd spared. A curious eye moving back to the cat who seemed to be looking at something behind him, maybe a stray or something who wanted to get in? Feline communication wasn't his choice of study.
"Ezekiel, but most people call me Boss-man or The Kingpin."
He responded the introduction, taking the time to light a cigar placed between his lips with a match; puffing it three times before exhaling. Smoke forming a large white ring that lingered in the air for several seconds. It wasn't often the older gentleman was asked his occupation and most times he would lie to steer off the scent of any wanna be cops getting in his way.
"Money, bitches and hard drinks; that's what I live for. I'm a... mercenary and former 'businessman'," Zeke mused, inhaling the cigar once more before downing the rest of his first drink. Leaving the small glass full of ice on the table. Swallowing down before releasing the smoke to fill the area around them. "Why do you ask? You some sort of detective?"
Post 2. WC: 296 TC: 856
He/ Him
OOC name
Great Tree Arc
a day off; a social ft. ezekiel
Oct 19, 2019 19:54:01 GMT
edited on Nov 23, 2019 14:19:02 GMT by Ezekiel Gold
[googlefont="righteous"] I can't control myself because I don't know how And they love me for it honestly, I'll be here for a while. The air was still ripe with the smell of breakfast cooking and rust that seemed to never leave the atmosphere. Metallic structures built from remnants of a time he gave not a single shit about, interested only in the future of the world. Specifically his future in the world. So while everyone stunk of fear for the next crime or beast to plague their small slab of life, Ezekiel cared little about those things; unless it was affecting his own cash flow.
He had no problem watching the sorry saps sulk.
Besides, he was here for one specific reason that most people would think was crime related but that was only partly true. Sure, he was retired from the business even if he was still getting paid from it but he was here for the booze and the bitches. More specifically, his favorite bitch 'Tandy' who always performed so early in the morning; and as such he had to come and spend a pretty penny on her. Where else would he get quality entertainment in this town?
Stepping through the doors to the joint, he was greeted by the guards with a familiar head nod before swaggering over to the bar. Holding up two fingers in reference to his standard drink choice, two glasses of patron silver. It was no task to remember his usual order, especially if you liked having all your teeth in tact
"My darling Tandy will be on any minute, so make it quick."
Ezekiel rushed the barkeep, his beverages promptly made and both cups being drunken in a rhythmic shifting of each hand. Something called double-fisting and a usual hobby of his. The older mans left hand bringing the glass to his mouth to swallow it down his open orifice, setting it on the bar stool while beginning to guzzle down the second drink.
Holding up that hand once the drink was done, he'd hold up two more fingers and wait a few moments before the drinks were being brought to him. Excellent, the new barkeep was learning faster than expected. It would be 10-20 minutes before she would be coming on, that was fine he had no problem entertaining himself until then.
Taking the drink on the right he would begin chugging once again, spilling a few droplets on his brown sweater, leaving his blue jeans and dark gray overcoat untarnished. With his unkempt hair and beard giving him an almost homeless look, one would be a fool to assume anything of that nature. Sighing, he would let his fourth drink marinate in his hand a bit before beginning to look around the room. What would he do until Tandy was ready to put on a show for him, he wondered.
Until he caught sight of a cat, leaning back in a chair, in a strip club... what? This was far too entertaining to pass up and so Ezekiel would walk over to the felid, his body language showing the drinks were indeed kicking in.
"Yo, Pussycat! You enjoying the show? Just wait until you see the main event for the morning... Nobody can compare to my dear Tandy," Gulping more of his drink and placing it on the table before them sloppily, wiping his mouth with his sleeve and continuing. "She just oozes sex appeal. Like a cocktail of liquid fire and ecstasy..."
Post 1. WC: 560 TC: 560
He/ Him
OOC name
Great Tree Arc
Magic Attack ABILITY NAME: Tree Fist ABILITY DESCRIPTION: The user summons a massive fist from a tree to punch their target dealing minor bruising. A second variation can also create multiple, smaller tree fists to pummel their target as well. ABILITY TYPE: Magic Attack
ABILITY NAME: Linear Explosions ABILITY DESCRIPTION: The user aims their finger at the target and releases fruit at them in a straight line. The user then detonates the power of the earth that was condensed into the fruit, creating a linear explosion. ABILITY TYPE: Magic Attack
ABILITY NAME: Ramus Sica ABILITY DESCRIPTION: The user releases a flurry of sharp branch blades that home in on, and attack, the target ABILITY TYPE: Magic Attack
Magic Attack+ ABILITY NAME: Bleve ABILITY DESCRIPTION: The user extends their hand forward, and the area directly in front of the user is engulfed in an explosion dealing minor burns and concussive damage (similar to a shove). This move seems to leave small "fireworks" in the air in its aftermath, which then explode a few seconds later to inflict further damage. ABILITY TYPE: Magic Attack+
ABILITY NAME: Burst Claw ABILITY DESCRIPTION: The user summons a root and sideswipes the target with it, whilst simultaneously creating an explosion ABILITY TYPE: Magic Attack+
ABILITY NAME: Folium Sica ABILITY DESCRIPTION: The user summons a root and sideswipes the target with it, whilst simultaneously creating an explosion ABILITY TYPE: Magic Attack+
ABILITY NAME: Tower Burst ABILITY DESCRIPTION: The user extends both arms out to their sides, creating an enormous tower of explosive flames in their immediate vicinity ABILITY TYPE: Magic Attack+
He/ Him
OOC name
Great Tree Arc
Database claims
Oct 16, 2019 18:45:19 GMT
<tr> <td><a href=''>Ezekiel Gold</a></td> <td>Great Tree Arc</td> <td>Guildless</td> <td>Tobychu</td> <td>Mihai Mihaeroff</td> <td>DOGS: Bullets and Carnage</td> </tr>
He/ Him
OOC name
Great Tree Arc
Tobychu's Palace of Pandemonium!
Oct 16, 2019 1:30:19 GMT
edited on Nov 23, 2019 13:27:05 GMT by Ezekiel Gold
@tag For all da posts!
made by wizz
He/ Him
OOC name
Great Tree Arc
Application Notification
Oct 15, 2019 3:02:43 GMT
He/ Him
OOC name
Great Tree Arc
MYTHOS, ezekiel gold
Oct 15, 2019 2:32:37 GMT
edited on Oct 15, 2019 2:40:30 GMT by Ezekiel Gold
[nospaces] [attr="class","infotemp"] [attr="class","infotempt"] [attr="class","infotitle-app"]
Ezekiel Gold
[attr="class","infomain"] [attr="class","infosubtitle"] Basics NAME The Kingpin, Boss-man, Mr. Gold if you're nasty[break] AGE 56 [break] HEIGHT 6'4" [break] PRONOUNS He/Him [break] SEXUAL ORIENTATION Heterosexual [break] RACE Human [break] GUILD Mythos [break][break] [attr="class","infosubtitle"] OOC OOC NAME Tobychu [break] FACE CLAIM CHARACTER Mihai Mihaeroff [break] FACE CLAIM SERIES DOGS: Bullets and Carnage [break][break] [attr="class","infosubtitle"] Freeform Appearance [break][break] Ezekiel is a man who perpetually looks unkempt, even when 'cleaned up'. His gray hair is combed back and out of his sight, save for a few unruly locks that dangle in his line of view, with dark brown eyes and their signature bags giving him a tired disposition. The fair skinned man has plain silver glasses that are plastered onto his large nose, above thin lips that often find themselves angled into a slight frown. 6'4" with a muscular build despite his drug fueled life style, Zeke weighs in at around 210 lbs, making him a hulking mass of senescent fury. [break][break] Positives[break]✔ Charismatic [break]✔ Persuasive [break]✔ Spontaneous [break]✔ Intelligent [break]✔ Daring [break][break] Negatives[break]✖ Amoral [break]✖ Self indulgent [break]✖ Perverse [break]✖ Procrastinator [break]✖ Money hungry [break][break] Likes[break]✔ Money [break]✔ Easy Women [break]✔ Gambling [break]✔ Fighting [break]✔ Drinking [break][break] Dislikes[break]✖ Kids [break]✖ Sobriety [break]✖ 'Business' competitors [break]✖ Authority [break]✖ Disrespect [break][break] History/Misc[break]✖ Abandoned his son before he was born and pursued a life of crime. [break]✖ Worked his way to the top of the food chain by getting rid of those who threatened his ascension. [break]✖ Became one of Alaskitasia's number one drug lords within 5 years of shady work, at the young age of 25. [break]✖ Despite having 'retired' at 45 he still reaps the benefits of his 'past' occupation. [break]✖ He's toned down a bit since his youth, not that you can tell by how he acts. [break]✖ Zeke's not a completely shitty person, as he's been more than willing to help others... specifically when it pays good.